Uses of Class

Packages that use JGRectangle
jgame Contains the platform-independent classes of JGame. 
jgame.impl Package containing platform independent implementation details. 
jgame.platform Contains the platform-dependent JGame classes. 

Uses of JGRectangle in jgame

Methods in jgame that return JGRectangle
 JGRectangle JGObject.getBBox()
          Get object collision bounding box in pixels.
 JGRectangle JGObject.getCenterTiles()
          Get the tile indices spanning the tiles that the object has the most overlap with.
 JGRectangle JGObject.getImageBBox()
          Get collision bounding box of object's image (same as object's default bbox, note that the offset is (0,0) here).
 JGRectangle JGObject.getImageBBoxConst()
          Get collision bounding box of object's image (same as object's default bbox, note that the offset is (0,0) here).
 JGRectangle JGObject.getTileBBox()
          Get tile collision bounding box in pixels.
 JGRectangle JGObject.getTiles()
          Get the tile index coordinates of all the tiles that the object's tile bbox overlaps with.

Methods in jgame with parameters of type JGRectangle
 int JGObject.checkBGCollision(JGRectangle r)
          Check collision of tiles within given rectangle, return the OR of all cids found.
 void JGRectangle.copyFrom(JGRectangle src)
          Copy contents of source rectangle into this rectangle.
 boolean JGObject.getBBox(JGRectangle bbox_copy)
          Copy object collision bounding box in pixels into bbox_copy.
 boolean JGObject.getTileBBox(JGRectangle bbox_copy)
          Get tile collision bounding box in pixels and store it in bbox_copy.
 boolean JGRectangle.intersects(JGRectangle rec)

Constructors in jgame with parameters of type JGRectangle
JGObject(java.lang.String name, boolean unique_id, double x, double y, int collisionid, java.lang.String gfxname, int expiry, double xspeed, double yspeed, int xdir, int ydir, JGRectangle tilebbox)
          Create object with given tile bbox, direction/speed, expiry, new style.
JGRectangle(JGRectangle rec)

Uses of JGRectangle in jgame.impl

Methods in jgame.impl that return JGRectangle
 JGRectangle JGEngineInterface.getImageBBox(java.lang.String imgname)
          Gets the collision bounding box of an image.
 JGRectangle EngineLogic.getImageBBox(java.lang.String imgname)
 JGRectangle JGEngineInterface.getTiles(JGRectangle r)
          Get tile index range of all tiles overlapping given rectangle of pixel coordinates.
 JGRectangle EngineLogic.getTiles(JGRectangle r)
 JGRectangle EngineLogic.scalePos(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean pf_relative)
          returns null if r is null
 JGRectangle EngineLogic.scalePos(JGRectangle r, boolean pf_relative)
          returns null if r is null

Methods in jgame.impl with parameters of type JGRectangle
 int JGEngineInterface.checkBGCollision(JGRectangle r)
          Check collision of tiles within given rectangle, return the OR of all cids found.
 int EngineLogic.checkBGCollision(JGRectangle r)
 java.util.Vector JGEngineInterface.getObjects(java.lang.String prefix, int cidmask, boolean suspended_obj, JGRectangle bbox)
          Query the object list for objects matching the given name prefix, CID mask, and collide with the given bounding box.
 java.util.Vector EngineLogic.getObjects(java.lang.String prefix, int cidmask, boolean suspended_obj, JGRectangle bbox)
 int JGEngineInterface.getTileCid(JGRectangle tiler)
          Get the OR of the cids at the tile indexes given by tiler
 int EngineLogic.getTileCid(JGRectangle tiler)
 JGRectangle JGEngineInterface.getTiles(JGRectangle r)
          Get tile index range of all tiles overlapping given rectangle of pixel coordinates.
 JGRectangle EngineLogic.getTiles(JGRectangle r)
 boolean JGEngineInterface.getTiles(JGRectangle dest, JGRectangle r)
          Get tile index range of all tiles overlapping given rectangle of pixel coordinates, version without object creation.
 boolean EngineLogic.getTiles(JGRectangle dest, JGRectangle r)
 JGRectangle EngineLogic.scalePos(JGRectangle r, boolean pf_relative)
          returns null if r is null

Uses of JGRectangle in jgame.platform

Methods in jgame.platform that return JGRectangle
 JGRectangle JGEngine.getImageBBox(java.lang.String imgname)
 JGRectangle JGEngine.getTiles(JGRectangle r)

Methods in jgame.platform with parameters of type JGRectangle
 int JGEngine.checkBGCollision(JGRectangle r)
 java.util.Vector JGEngine.getObjects(java.lang.String prefix, int cidmask, boolean suspended_obj, JGRectangle bbox)
 int JGEngine.getTileCid(JGRectangle tiler)
 JGRectangle JGEngine.getTiles(JGRectangle r)
 boolean JGEngine.getTiles(JGRectangle dest, JGRectangle r)