Uses of Class

Packages that use JGPoint
jgame Contains the platform-independent classes of JGame. 
jgame.impl Package containing platform independent implementation details. 
jgame.platform Contains the platform-dependent JGame classes. 

Uses of JGPoint in jgame

Methods in jgame that return JGPoint
 JGPoint JGObject.getCenterTile()
          Get the top left center tile of the object (that is, the x and y of getCenterTiles()).
 JGPoint JGImage.getSize()
          Get image size.
 JGPoint JGObject.getTopLeftTile()
          Get the topleftmost tile of the object.

Constructors in jgame with parameters of type JGPoint
JGPoint(JGPoint p)

Uses of JGPoint in jgame.impl

Fields in jgame.impl declared as JGPoint
 JGPoint EngineLogic.BGImage.tiles

Methods in jgame.impl that return JGPoint
 JGPoint ImageMap.getImageCoord(int imgnr)
          returns null when image was not loaded
 JGPoint JGEngineInterface.getImageSize(java.lang.String imgname)
          Gets (non-scaled) image's physical size directly.
 JGPoint EngineLogic.getImageSize(java.lang.String imgname)
          Gets (non-scaled) image's physical size directly.
 JGPoint JGEngineInterface.getMousePos()
          Get current mouse position in logical coordinates, inverse projected through last set view zoom/rotate setting.
 JGPoint JGEngineInterface.getTileCoord(int tilex, int tiley)
          Get pixel coordinate corresponding to the top left of the tile at the given index
 JGPoint EngineLogic.getTileCoord(int tilex, int tiley)
 JGPoint JGEngineInterface.getTileCoord(JGPoint tileidx)
          Get pixel coordinate corresponding to the top left of the tile at the given index
 JGPoint EngineLogic.getTileCoord(JGPoint tileidx)
 JGPoint JGEngineInterface.getTileIndex(double x, double y)
          Get tile index of the tile the coordinate is on.
 JGPoint EngineLogic.getTileIndex(double x, double y)
 JGPoint EngineLogic.scalePos(double x, double y, boolean pf_relative)

Methods in jgame.impl with parameters of type JGPoint
 int JGEngineInterface.getTileCid(JGPoint center, int xofs, int yofs)
          Get the tile cid of the point that is (xofs,yofs) from the tile index coordinate center.
 int EngineLogic.getTileCid(JGPoint center, int xofs, int yofs)
 JGPoint JGEngineInterface.getTileCoord(JGPoint tileidx)
          Get pixel coordinate corresponding to the top left of the tile at the given index
 JGPoint EngineLogic.getTileCoord(JGPoint tileidx)
 java.lang.String JGEngineInterface.getTileStr(JGPoint center, int xofs, int yofs)
          Get the tile string of the point that is (xofs,yofs) from the tile index coordinate center.
 java.lang.String EngineLogic.getTileStr(JGPoint center, int xofs, int yofs)
 void JGEngineInterface.setTile(JGPoint tileidx, java.lang.String tilename)
          Set a single tile.
 void EngineLogic.setTile(JGPoint tileidx, java.lang.String tilename)
 void JGEngineInterface.snapToGrid(JGPoint p, int gridsnapx, int gridsnapy)
          Snap p to grid in case p is close enough to the grid lines.
 void EngineLogic.snapToGrid(JGPoint p, int gridsnapx, int gridsnapy)

Uses of JGPoint in jgame.platform

Methods in jgame.platform that return JGPoint
 JGPoint JGEngine.getImageSize(java.lang.String imgname)
 JGPoint JGEngine.getMousePos()
 JGPoint JGEngine.getTileCoord(int tilex, int tiley)
 JGPoint JGEngine.getTileCoord(JGPoint tileidx)
 JGPoint JGEngine.getTileIndex(double x, double y)
static JGPoint StdGame.parseSizeArgs(java.lang.String[] args, int arg_ofs)
          Look for two arguments starting at index arg_ofs, and parse them as width and height.

Methods in jgame.platform with parameters of type JGPoint
 int JGEngine.getTileCid(JGPoint center, int xofs, int yofs)
 JGPoint JGEngine.getTileCoord(JGPoint tileidx)
 java.lang.String JGEngine.getTileStr(JGPoint center, int xofs, int yofs)
 void JGEngine.setTile(JGPoint tileidx, java.lang.String tilename)
 void JGEngine.snapToGrid(JGPoint p, int gridsnapx, int gridsnapy)