Uses of Class

Packages that use JGObject
jgame Contains the platform-independent classes of JGame. 
jgame.impl Package containing platform independent implementation details. 
jgame.platform Contains the platform-dependent JGame classes. 

Uses of JGObject in jgame

Fields in jgame declared as JGObject
 JGObject JGTimer.parent_obj

Methods in jgame with parameters of type JGObject
 void JGObject.hit(JGObject obj)
          Override to handle collision; default is do nothing.

Constructors in jgame with parameters of type JGObject
JGTimer(int frames_to_alarm, boolean one_shot, JGObject parent)
          Create timer which has an object as parent.

Uses of JGObject in jgame.impl

Methods in jgame.impl that return JGObject
 JGObject JGEngineInterface.getObject(java.lang.String index)
          Get object if it exists, null if not.
 JGObject EngineLogic.getObject(java.lang.String index)

Methods in jgame.impl with parameters of type JGObject
 int JGEngineInterface.checkCollision(int cidmask, JGObject obj)
          Checks collision of objects with given cid mask with given object.
 int EngineLogic.checkCollision(int cidmask, JGObject obj)
 void JGEngineInterface.markAddObject(JGObject obj)
          Add new object, will become active next frame, do not call directly.
 void EngineLogic.markAddObject(JGObject obj)
 void JGEngineInterface.removeObject(JGObject obj)
          Remove one particular object.
 void EngineLogic.removeObject(JGObject obj)

Uses of JGObject in jgame.platform

Methods in jgame.platform that return JGObject
 JGObject JGEngine.getObject(java.lang.String index)

Methods in jgame.platform with parameters of type JGObject
 int JGEngine.checkCollision(int cidmask, JGObject obj)
 void JGEngine.markAddObject(JGObject obj)
 void JGEngine.removeObject(JGObject obj)