Uses of Class

Packages that use JGFont
jgame.impl Package containing platform independent implementation details. 
jgame.platform Contains the platform-dependent JGame classes. 

Uses of JGFont in jgame.impl

Fields in jgame.impl declared as JGFont
 JGFont EngineLogic.msg_font

Methods in jgame.impl with parameters of type JGFont
 void JGEngineInterface.dbgSetMessageFont(JGFont font)
          Set the font for displaying debug messages.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawString(java.lang.String str, double x, double y, int align, JGFont font, JGColor color)
          Draws string so that (x,y) is the topleft coordinate (align=-1), the top middle coordinate (align=0), or the top right coordinate (align=1).
 double JGEngineInterface.getFontHeight(JGFont font)
          Get height of given font in pixels.
 void JGEngineInterface.setCanvasSettings(int nrtilesx, int nrtilesy, int tilex, int tiley, JGColor fgcolor, JGColor bgcolor, JGFont msgfont)
          Set canvas dimensions and message colours/fonts.
 void JGEngineInterface.setColorsFont(JGColor fgcolor, JGColor bgcolor, JGFont msgfont)
          Set foreground and background colour, and message font in one go; passing a null means ignore that argument.
 void JGEngineInterface.setFont(JGFont font)
          Set current font, scale the font to screen size.
 void JGEngineInterface.setMsgFont(JGFont msgfont)
          Set the (unscaled) message font, used for displaying status messages.

Uses of JGFont in jgame.platform

Fields in jgame.platform declared as JGFont
 JGFont StdGame.highscore_font
          Font to use to display highscores
 JGFont StdGame.highscore_title_font
          Font to use to display highscore title information
 JGFont StdGame.status_font
          Font to use to display score
 JGFont StdGame.title_font
          Font to use to display title and messages

Methods in jgame.platform that return JGFont
 JGFont StdGame.getZoomingFont(JGFont basejgfont, double tmr, double min_size_fac, double speed)
          Get font for zooming text in and out.

Methods in jgame.platform with parameters of type JGFont
 void JGEngine.dbgSetMessageFont(JGFont font)
 void JGEngine.drawString(java.lang.String str, double x, double y, int align, JGFont font, JGColor color)
 void StdGame.drawWavyString(java.lang.String s, int x, int y, int align, int increment_x, double tmr, double amplitude, double pos_phaseshift, double timer_phaseshift, JGFont font, JGColor col)
          Draw a string with letters that move up and down individually.
 double JGEngine.getFontHeight(JGFont jgfont)
 JGFont StdGame.getZoomingFont(JGFont basejgfont, double tmr, double min_size_fac, double speed)
          Get font for zooming text in and out.
 void JGEngine.setCanvasSettings(int nrtilesx, int nrtilesy, int tilex, int tiley, JGColor fgcolor, JGColor bgcolor, JGFont msgfont)
 void JGEngine.setColorsFont(JGColor fgcolor, JGColor bgcolor, JGFont msgfont)
          Set foreground and background colour, and message font in one go; passing a null means ignore that argument.
 void JGEngine.setFont(java.awt.Graphics g, JGFont jgfont)
 void JGEngine.setFont(JGFont font)
 void StdGame.setHighscoreDisplay(int waittime, int showtime, JGFont font, JGColor color, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String entry, JGFont titlefont, JGColor titlecolor)
          Set highscore display settings.
 void JGEngine.setMsgFont(JGFont msgfont)
          Set the (unscaled) message font, used for displaying status messages.
 void StdGame.setStatusDisplay(JGFont status_font, JGColor status_color, java.lang.String lives_img)
          Set the status display variables in one go.