Uses of Class

Packages that use JGColor
jgame Contains the platform-independent classes of JGame. 
jgame.impl Package containing platform independent implementation details. 
jgame.platform Contains the platform-dependent JGame classes. 

Uses of JGColor in jgame

Fields in jgame declared as JGColor
static JGColor
static JGColor
static JGColor JGColor.cyan
static JGColor JGColor.gray
static JGColor
static JGColor JGColor.grey
static JGColor JGColor.magenta
static JGColor
static JGColor
static JGColor
static JGColor JGColor.white
static JGColor JGColor.yellow

Methods in jgame with parameters of type JGColor
 JGImage JGImage.toDisplayCompatible(int thresh, JGColor bg_col, boolean fast, boolean bitmask)
          Turn a (possibly) translucent or indexed image into a display-compatible bitmask image using the given alpha threshold and render-to-background colour, or to display-compatible translucent image.

Uses of JGColor in jgame.impl

Fields in jgame.impl declared as JGColor
 JGColor EngineLogic.bg_color
 JGColor EngineLogic.fg_color
 JGColor EngineLogic.outline_colour
 JGColor EngineLogic.render_bg_color

Methods in jgame.impl with parameters of type JGColor
 void JGEngineInterface.dbgSetDebugColor1(JGColor col)
          Set debug color 1, used for printing debug information.
 void JGEngineInterface.dbgSetDebugColor2(JGColor col)
          Set debug color 2, used for printing debug information.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawImage(double x, double y, java.lang.String imgname, JGColor blend_col, double alpha, double rot, double scale, boolean pf_relative)
          Extended version of drawImage for OpenGL or Android.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawImage(java.lang.String imgname, double x, double y, boolean pf_relative, JGColor blend_col, double alpha, double rot, double scale)
          Extended version of drawImage for OpenGL or Android, new version.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double thickness, JGColor color)
          DrawLine combined with thickness/colour setting.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawOval(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean filled, boolean centered, double thickness, JGColor color)
          Set thickness/colour and draw oval.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawPolygon(double[] x, double[] y, JGColor[] col, int len, boolean filled, boolean pf_relative)
          Draw convex polygon.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawRect(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean filled, boolean centered, boolean pf_relative, JGColor[] shadecol)
          Draw shaded rectangle.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawRect(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean filled, boolean centered, boolean pf_relative, JGColor[] shadecol, java.lang.String tileimage)
          Draw shaded or patterned rectangle.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawRect(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean filled, boolean centered, double thickness, JGColor color)
          Set colour/thickness and draw rectangle.
 void JGEngineInterface.drawString(java.lang.String str, double x, double y, int align, JGFont font, JGColor color)
          Draws string so that (x,y) is the topleft coordinate (align=-1), the top middle coordinate (align=0), or the top right coordinate (align=1).
 void JGEngineInterface.setBGColor(JGColor bgcolor)
          Set global background colour, which is displayed in borders, and behind transparent tiles if no BGImage is defined.
 void JGEngineInterface.setCanvasSettings(int nrtilesx, int nrtilesy, int tilex, int tiley, JGColor fgcolor, JGColor bgcolor, JGFont msgfont)
          Set canvas dimensions and message colours/fonts.
 void JGEngineInterface.setColor(JGColor col)
          Set current drawing colour.
 void JGEngineInterface.setColorsFont(JGColor fgcolor, JGColor bgcolor, JGFont msgfont)
          Set foreground and background colour, and message font in one go; passing a null means ignore that argument.
 void JGEngineInterface.setFGColor(JGColor fgcolor)
          Set global foreground colour, used for printing text and status messages.
 void JGEngineInterface.setRenderSettings(int alpha_thresh, JGColor render_bg_col)
          Configure image rendering.
 void EngineLogic.setRenderSettings(int alpha_thresh, JGColor render_bg_col)
 void JGEngineInterface.setTextOutline(int thickness, JGColor colour)
          Set parameters of outline surrounding text (for example, used to increase contrast).

Uses of JGColor in jgame.platform

Fields in jgame.platform declared as JGColor
 JGColor StdGame.highscore_color
          Color to use to display highscores
 JGColor StdGame.highscore_title_color
          Color to use to display highscore title information
 JGColor StdGame.status_color
          Color to use to display score
 JGColor StdGame.title_bg_color
          Color to use to display background effects behind title and messages
 JGColor StdGame.title_color
          Color to use to display title and messages

Methods in jgame.platform that return JGColor
 JGColor StdGame.cycleColor(JGColor[] cycle, double tmr, double speed)
          Get a colour from a colour cycle.

Methods in jgame.platform with parameters of type JGColor
 JGColor StdGame.cycleColor(JGColor[] cycle, double tmr, double speed)
          Get a colour from a colour cycle.
 void JGEngine.dbgSetDebugColor1(JGColor col)
 void JGEngine.dbgSetDebugColor2(JGColor col)
 void JGEngine.drawImage(double x, double y, java.lang.String imgname, JGColor blend_col, double alpha, double rot, double scale, boolean pf_relative)
 void JGEngine.drawImage(java.lang.String imgname, double x, double y, boolean pf_relative, JGColor blend_col, double alpha, double rot, double scale)
 void JGEngine.drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double thickness, JGColor color)
 void JGEngine.drawOval(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean filled, boolean centered, double thickness, JGColor color)
 void JGEngine.drawPolygon(double[] x, double[] y, JGColor[] col, int len, boolean filled, boolean pf_relative)
 void JGEngine.drawRect(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean filled, boolean centered, boolean pf_relative, JGColor[] shadecol)
 void JGEngine.drawRect(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean filled, boolean centered, boolean pf_relative, JGColor[] shadecol, java.lang.String tileimage)
 void JGEngine.drawRect(double x, double y, double width, double height, boolean filled, boolean centered, double thickness, JGColor color)
 void JGEngine.drawString(java.lang.String str, double x, double y, int align, JGFont font, JGColor color)
 void StdGame.drawWavyString(java.lang.String s, int x, int y, int align, int increment_x, double tmr, double amplitude, double pos_phaseshift, double timer_phaseshift, JGFont font, JGColor col)
          Draw a string with letters that move up and down individually.
 java.awt.Color JGEngine.getAWTColor(JGColor col)
          Convert JGColor to AWT color (JRE only).
 void JGEngine.setBGColor(JGColor bgcolor)
          Set global background colour, which is displayed in borders, and behind transparent tiles if no BGImage is defined.
 void JGEngine.setCanvasSettings(int nrtilesx, int nrtilesy, int tilex, int tiley, JGColor fgcolor, JGColor bgcolor, JGFont msgfont)
 void JGEngine.setColor(JGColor col)
 void JGEngine.setColorsFont(JGColor fgcolor, JGColor bgcolor, JGFont msgfont)
          Set foreground and background colour, and message font in one go; passing a null means ignore that argument.
 void JGEngine.setFGColor(JGColor fgcolor)
          Set global foreground colour, used for printing text and status messages.
 void StdGame.setHighscoreDisplay(int waittime, int showtime, JGFont font, JGColor color, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String entry, JGFont titlefont, JGColor titlecolor)
          Set highscore display settings.
 void JGEngine.setRenderSettings(int alpha_thresh, JGColor render_bg_col)
 void StdGame.setStatusDisplay(JGFont status_font, JGColor status_color, java.lang.String lives_img)
          Set the status display variables in one go.
 void JGEngine.setTextOutline(int thickness, JGColor colour)
          Set parameters of outline surrounding text (for example, used to increase contrast).