package tutorial; import jgame.*; import jgame.platform.*; /** Tutorial example 9: Using OpenGL. Demostrates opengl-specific features. */ public class Example9 extends JGEngine { public static void main(String [] args) { // Listens to command line parameters [width] [height]. // By default it starts as full-screen. //new Example9(StdGame.parseSizeArgs(args,0)); new Example9(new JGPoint(640,480)); } /** Application constructor. */ public Example9(JGPoint size) { initEngine(size.x,size.y); } /** Applet constructor. */ public Example9() { initEngineApplet(); } public void initCanvas() { setCanvasSettings(40,30,16,16,null,null,null); } public void initGame() { // set video synced mode, consider 35 frames per second to be the // "normal" speed. setFrameRate(35,1); setVideoSyncedUpdate(true); // load some nice translucent images defineImage("neon1","-",0,"diamond1.png","-"); defineImage("neon2","-",0,"diamond2.png","-"); defineImage("neon3","-",0,"diamond3.png","-"); // define background images for 4 layers of parallax scroll defineImage("bgimage","-",0,"twirly-192-rev-trans2.png","-"); defineImage("bgimage-sm","-",0,"twirly-192-trans-sm.png","-"); defineImage("bgimage-sm2","-",0,"twirly-192-trans-smsm.png","-"); defineImage("bgimage-text","-",0,"parallax-illustration.png","-"); setBGImage("bgimage"); setBGImage(1,"bgimage-text",false,false); setBGImage(2,"bgimage-sm",true,true); setBGImage(3,"bgimage-sm2",true,true); // define colour behind lowest layer setBGColor(JGColor.yellow); // create some objects for (int i=0; i<25; i++) new NeonObject(); // make the objects wrap around nicely setPFWrap(true,true,-50,-50); setPFSize(46,36); } // a translucent rotating zooming object class NeonObject extends JGObject { int type; double rot=0, rotinc; NeonObject() { super("neon",true, Example9.this.random(0,viewWidth()-50), Example9.this.random(0,viewHeight()-50), 1,null, Example9.this.random(-2,2), Example9.this.random(-2,2)); rotinc = random(-0.07,0.07); type = random(1,3,1); } public void move() { // we may be running at variable frame rate: ensure that rotation // speed is constant by multiplying with gamespeed. rot += rotinc*getGameSpeed(); } public void paint() { // blend mode is: source multiplier: alpha/destination multiplier: 1 setBlendMode(1,0); // the extended openGL drawImage method drawImage(x, y, "neon"+type, /* regular image parameters */ new JGColor(1.0,1.0,1.0), /* blend colour */ 0.5, /* alpha */ rot, /* rotation */ 1.0 + 0.15*Math.sin(rot*4.3), /* zoom */ true /* relative to playfield */ ); } } double zoom=1.0; double rotate=0; public void doFrame() { // scroll the different layers setViewOffset((int)(200*Math.sin(rot)),(int)(200*Math.cos(rot)), false); setBGImgOffset(1,-getMouseX(),-getMouseY(),false); setBGImgOffset(2,(200*Math.sin(rot))/2,(200*Math.cos(rot))/2, false); setBGImgOffset(3,(200*Math.sin(rot))/4,(200*Math.cos(rot))/4, false); // move the neon objects moveObjects(null,0); // increment the scroll animation rot += getGameSpeed()*0.01; // key handing if (getKey('V')) { setVideoSyncedUpdate(!getVideoSyncedUpdate()); clearKey('V'); } if (getKey(27)) { exitEngine("User exit"); } // create zoom/rotate effect with mouse button if (getMouseButton(1)) { zoom += 0.02; rotate += 0.01; } else { if (zoom>1.0) zoom -= 0.02; if (zoom<1.0) zoom = 1.0; if (rotate>0) rotate -= 0.01; if (rotate<0) rotate = 0.0; } setViewZoomRotate(zoom,rotate); } double [] xpos = new double [5]; double [] ypos = new double [5]; double rot = 0.0; public void paintFrame() { // colour to use in case we do not have the gradient function setColor(; setStroke(3.0); // blend mode is: source multiplier: alpha, destination multiplier: 1 setBlendMode(1,0); // draw rectangle with gradient drawRect(viewWidth()/2,180,400,150,true,true,false, new JGColor[] { JGColor.yellow,, JGColor.magenta,}); // draw polygons with gradient int i=0; for (double r=rot; r