package tutorial; import jgame.*; import jgame.platform.*; /** Tutorial example 6: scrolling and wrapping. */ public class Example6 extends JGEngine { public static void main(String [] args) { new Example6(new JGPoint(640,480)); } /** Application constructor. */ public Example6(JGPoint size) { initEngine(size.x,size.y); } /** Applet constructor. */ public Example6() { initEngineApplet(); } public void initCanvas() { setCanvasSettings(40,30,16,16,null,null,null); } public void initGame() { // we increase the framerate a bit because it is more critical // for scrolling. setFrameRate(45,2); // load a single sprite defineImage( "ball", // graphic name "-", 0, // tile name and tile cid (in case we use it as a tile) "ball20-red.gif", // file "-" // graphical operation (may be one or two out of //"x","y", "l","r","u") ); // load the background image defineImage("bgimage","-",0,"twirly-192.gif","-"); setBGImage("bgimage"); // hide the mouse cursor //setCursor(null); // Increase the playfield size to obtain a scrollable, wrappable area. // It is twice the width of the view, and two tiles higher. The two // tiles are used as space for objects to disappear into before // wrapping around. Without this space, objects would visibly jump // from top to bottom or vice versa. setPFSize(80,32); // Set the wrap-around mode to vertical. setPFWrap( false, // horizontal wrap true, // vertical wrap -10, -10 // shift the center of the view to make objects wrap at // the right moment (sprite size / 2). ); // place some random objects that move up and down for (int i=0; i<40; i++) { new JGObject("muyobj", true, // name random(0,pfWidth()-20), random(0,pfHeight()-20), // pos 1, "ball", // cid, sprite 0.0, random(-2.0,2.0), // speed JGObject.suspend_off_view // Suspend when off view. // Suspended objects will not move or participate in // collisions. ); } } /** View offset. */ int xofs=0,yofs=0; public void doFrame() { moveObjects(null,0); // Update the desired view offset according to mouse position. // The X offset is proportional to the mouse position. // The mouse position is a number between 0 and viewWidth. // We scale it to a number between 0 and pfWidth (playfield width). xofs = getMouseX() * pfWidth() / viewWidth(); // the Y offset changes proportional to the offset of the mouse // position from the center of the window. If the mouse is in the // center, we don't scroll, if it is close to the upper or lower // border of the window, it scrolls quickly in that direction. yofs += (getMouseY() - viewHeight()/2) / 15; // Set the view offset. Note that if our offset is out of the // playfield bounds, the position is clipped so that it is inside. // (this is only relevant for non-wrappable axes; a wrappable // axis is never out of bounds!) setViewOffset( xofs,yofs, // the position within the playfield true // true means the given position is center of the view, // false means it is topleft. ); } public void paintFrame() { setColor(; setFont(new JGFont("Arial",0,20)); // draw some info (note: the text is drawn relative to the view, // rather than the playfield) drawString("Move the mouse to scroll.", viewWidth()/2, 80, 0); drawString("Playfield offset is now ("+xofs+","+yofs+").", viewWidth()/2, 120, 0); // Indicate the corners of the playfield. This text should be drawn // relative to the playfield. The other draw methods can also draw // both relative to playfield and to view. For text, relative to view // is the default; for other draw methods, relative to playfield is // default. drawString("TOP LEFT", 0, 8, -1, true // indicate it should be drawn relative to playfield ); drawString("BOTTOM LEFT", 0, pfHeight()-20, -1, true); drawString("TOP RIGHT", pfWidth(), 8, 1, true); drawString("BOTTOM RIGHT", pfWidth(), pfHeight()-20, 1, true); } }